Questions on the Warning Messages
Qian Xie
2010-06-08 07:11:04 UTC

I¹m new to VisionEgg and am hoping you could answer my questions on the
warning messages that VisionEgg is giving every time I run my program. My
program and a sample output/warning messages are attached. I have done some
research online, but couldn't find a satisfying answer. Two different kinds
of warnings appear every time I run the program: The first kind, ³WARNING:
Calculated frames per second was 60.763, while the
VISIONEGG_MONITOR_REFRESH_HZ variable is 60.0.² The second kind, ³WARNING:
One or more frames took 34.0 msec, which is signficantly longer than the
expected inter frame interval of 16.7 msec for your frame rate (60.0 Hz).²
There are three go-loops in my program, and each go has had given me some
warning messages during the test trials I ran. 1. What is it in my program
that¹s causing the warning messages? 2. Does it affect the accuracy of the
display time and interval time between stimulus? Am I skipping a frame? 3.
What can I change in my program to get rid of the warning messages?
Thank you so much!

